Tag: Counter-Revolution

  • Western Civilization VS Sh%$tholes – Race & How to Save the West

    Western Civilization VS Sh%$tholes – Race & How to Save the West

    The mainstream hypocrites are in an uproar because Trump referred to some countries as sh&%holes, while simultaneously they call “fly over country” and the south even worse. In this video I castigate the Alt Media and Alt Right for not offering anything beyond biological determinism, which has built NO civilization. Civlizations are built on theology,…

  • Managed Dialectics and the Liberal Imperium

    Managed Dialectics and the Liberal Imperium

    By: Jay Dyer The hyped and engineered “race war” the existing establishment in the United States desires is a long-term strategy of tension with numerous historical precedents. To say this tension is exacerbated and stoked by the ruling liberal elite is not to say the difference are not real. On the contrary, cultures and civilizations…

  • Programming Chaos: The Arab Spring

    Programming Chaos: The Arab Spring

    Thanks to an advantageous geographical position set between the world’s two major oceans, Americans have been in large measure immune to the consequences of war, upheaval and terror in the Eurasian Great Game. Since Vietnam the United States military-industrial complex has managed to prosecute expeditionary wars across the span of the globe while maintaining losses…

  • Faustian Dreams

    Faustian Dreams

    In its spiritual life, the human soul is confronted with two options, to seek the realization and actualization of its divine nature, or to be overwhelmed and rendered inert by the lower, transient things of the world. The 4th century Greek theologian St. Gregory of Nyssa once observed, For those who look towards the true God receive…

  • Classical Nihilism

    Classical Nihilism

    It’s a common refrain among self-described conservatives and libertarians in America that both the modern bureaucratic managerial state and mass culture have veered wildly out of control, headed in an ever increasing totalitarian direction, and must some how be reined in. Their prescription is almost always a return to the Constitution, along with the supposed…

  • Who’s Trying to Change Russia?

    Who’s Trying to Change Russia?

    For much of the West in the middle of the 19th century, the idea of Russia and how to approach its people diplomatically was a matter of differentiating them as Europeans or Asians. The prevailing view at the time was a belief that Russians belonged to the latter group, and could not be considered part of…

  • Dostoevsky on Russia’s Mission

    Dostoevsky on Russia’s Mission

    Philosopher Nikolai Onufriyevich Lossky (1870-1965) outlines Fyodor Dostoevsky’s vision of Russia’s transcendent mission – to bring the world to the God-Man Christ, Whose fullest expression is found in the ancient faith upheld by Byzantium and adopted by Grand Prince Vladimir in 988. Salvation comes from the East. Translated by Mark Hackard. Knowing the deep religious basis of…

  • Free-Speech Farce

    Free-Speech Farce

    While now receding into the background of international outrages, the early January mass shooting of several Charlie Hebdo cartoonists in Paris, purportedly by a cell of jihadists, set off a furor about freedom of speech in the West. Western leaders and social media trendies righteously vowed they would cower in the face of terrorism; rather,…

  • The Bankster International

    The Bankster International

    Geopolitical analysis, the art of explaining power relationships through the prism of impersonal geography, can be a helpful tool for observers of the Great Game – but it also has its limitations. A case in point is the renewed US-Russia confrontation. Think tanks and policy insiders easily sell the narrative that from the dark days…

  • The Subversion-Industrial Complex

    The Subversion-Industrial Complex

    Playing in good faith by the rules of the world controllers earns certain undesirable peoples precisely zero credit. As a case in point, recent elections held in the war-ravaged east of Ukraine have unsurprisingly been summarily dismissed by Washington and Brussels. Any political expression running contrary to the aims and ends of the globalist superclass…