Tag: Diplomacy

  • The Tsar’s Man in Tehran

    The Tsar’s Man in Tehran

    The tragic and untimely death of Russian poet, playwright and diplomat Aleksandr Sergeevich Griboyedov (1795-1828) in Tehran was just one episode in a geopolitical duel, the Great Game, as Russia and Great Britain maneuvered for position in Central Asia throughout the 19th century. This official account from Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), authored by A.N. Itskov,…

  • Orthodox Civilization and Iran

    Orthodox Civilization and Iran

    The following interview derives from a piece that originally appeared in issue six of Aleksandr Dugin’s journal ‘Elementy’ (Elements) in 1995. Here, the former Iranian ambassador to the Vatican, Muhammad Masjid Jamei, gives his view on the events of the Yugoslavian crisis and the Iranian understanding of the Orthodox Church. Nearly twenty years later, as…

  • War & Diplomacy

    War & Diplomacy

    The young émigré military analyst Anton Kersnovsky (1907-1944) saw that far from putting an end to war, the liberal system has dramatically expanded it, both geographically and into the realms of psyche and spirit. Nowhere was this easier seen for him than in the simultaneous disingenuousness and dysfunction of the new popular diplomacy. Since this…