Tag: Dostoevsky

  • Dostoevsky on Conservatism

    Dostoevsky on Conservatism

    Fyodor Dostoevsky has rightly been called a prophet of the modern age. With a depth of vision unrivalled, he saw that cultural, political, and economic disorder have their main source in a crisis of the spirit. Dostoevsky then foresaw how man’s rebellion against the Transcendent would progressively accelerate into full-blown anarchy. This idea became a…

  • Pleasure-Dome Police State

    Pleasure-Dome Police State

    “We should expect tyranny to result from democracy, the most savage subjection from an excess of liberty”. -Plato, Republic, Book VIII, 564 a This December, as many Americans attended to their rituals of shopping, spectator sports and celebrity voyeurism, the 2012 fiscal year’s National Defense Authorization Act was passed by the U.S. Congress. It has now been…

  • Counter-Subversion in Art

    Counter-Subversion in Art

    On Palm Sunday of this year Charles Martel, victor of Tours, could smile upon his descendants. A small band of Franks wielding hammers again rose in defense of the West. The action was local-scale and humble; there was no smashing of the Saracen horde. Four young men entered art mogul Yvon Lambert’s gallery in Avignon and destroyed the Piss…