Tag: Ernst Jünger

  • Soul Hackers

    Soul Hackers

    With the closing of another year marked by media hysteria, the narrative that the crazed hermit North Korean regime orchestrated the hacking of the Japanese-owned Hollywood company Sony, thereby assaulting our precious freedom to crank out cultural subversion, has quickly begun to fall apart. From the beginning the story never held neither consistency nor any…

  • Android Existence

    Android Existence

    In his classic, prophetic novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, American science-fiction writer Philip K. Dick depicted a future dystopia where the only way to determine the difference between humans and rogue, bio-engineered androids was empathy: the latter were incapable of experiencing and thus demonstrating it. In our own particular time, however, merely a few…

  • The Subversion-Industrial Complex

    The Subversion-Industrial Complex

    Playing in good faith by the rules of the world controllers earns certain undesirable peoples precisely zero credit. As a case in point, recent elections held in the war-ravaged east of Ukraine have unsurprisingly been summarily dismissed by Washington and Brussels. Any political expression running contrary to the aims and ends of the globalist superclass…

  • Occidental Affliction

    Occidental Affliction

    Twentieth century German author and patriot Ernst Jünger once observed that we now “live in times in which war and peace are difficult to distinguish from one another.” (A lack of clarity extending to every aspect of modernity, not just matters of war and peace.) Jünger’s words ring true as ever, with Washington’s so-called war…