Tag: Ukraine

  • Springtime for Russophobia

    Springtime for Russophobia

    When the banksters who run America set their sights on the newest designated enemy of democracy, without fail the assault is preceded by information operations to convince a clueless public of the target state’s burning hatred for “freedom.” Momentarily torn away from corporate entertainment spectacle, enlightened citizen-consumers will be fed phony news stories of atrocities,…

  • Orthodox Civilization and Iran

    Orthodox Civilization and Iran

    The following interview derives from a piece that originally appeared in issue six of Aleksandr Dugin’s journal ‘Elementy’ (Elements) in 1995. Here, the former Iranian ambassador to the Vatican, Muhammad Masjid Jamei, gives his view on the events of the Yugoslavian crisis and the Iranian understanding of the Orthodox Church. Nearly twenty years later, as…

  • A Call to Repentance

    A Call to Repentance

    Journalist Gennady Dubovoy conducted an interview on the front lines of the war in Ukraine with “Fr. Viktor,” an Orthodox hieromonk ministering to soldiers of the Novorussia Armed Forces. Dubovoy states the conversation was recorded in May, before the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17, and released only in late July. Translated by Mark Hackard.…

  • MH17 in Context (Pt. I)

    MH17 in Context (Pt. I)

    World public attention is now fixed on the aftermath of the destruction of  Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 in Donbass in the midst of the Ukrainian civil war. This horrific event is doubtless an immense tragedy worthy of unequivocal condemnation. Before any serious investigation to ascertain direct culpability was established, though, the regime in Kiev and its Western…

  • Putin’s Advisor on Ukraine

    Putin’s Advisor on Ukraine

    Sergei Glazyev is a key economic advisor to Russian President Vladimir Putin. In this July 21st interview with the magazine Rusinform’s Alena Berezovskaya, Glazyev discusses Russia’s position in global geopolitics, geoeconomics, the ongoing crisis in Ukraine and the status of nascent Novorossiya. Translated by Mark Hackard. *** Good afternoon! In this conversation with you, I’d…

  • Interview With Jay’s Analysis

    Interview With Jay’s Analysis

    On Sunday I interviewed with my friend and Soul of the East guest writer Jay Dyer of Jay’s Analysis. We discussed everything from the highly suspicious Malaysian Airlines shoot-down over Ukraine and the ongoing geopolitical contest between Russia and the West to the bankruptcy of modern ideologies and the spiritual dimensions of subversion. A big thank you…

  • National Nihilism

    National Nihilism

    Strategies for full-spectrum dominance encompass far more than just military means – their entire point is found in politics, the struggle for power. Movements proclaiming themselves the champions of national salvation thus deserve extra scrutiny, since they might serve precisely the opposite end. Ever since a US-backed junta seized control of Ukraine in February, the…

  • Roots of Identity

    Roots of Identity

    Contemporary Russian philosopher and Eurasianist Aleksandr Dugin is no stranger to controversy. He’s been labelled by the Western media as “Putin’s brain” as well as vilified as a “fascist,” a claim especially ironic given that Washington is actively supporting self-described fascists in Ukraine to advance its strategic agenda in Eurasia and considering the fact that his book,…

  • Robots Over Eurasia

    Robots Over Eurasia

    In order to understand the ongoing crisis in Ukraine, it is crucial to grasp the key players and plans in the global chess game.  In the last hundred years, the world has been dominated by the Anglo-American imperium.  The British “Great Game” of keeping Russia at bay was a torch passed on to the American…

  • Full-Spectrum Subversion

    Full-Spectrum Subversion

    What do postmodern exhibitionists, Islamic holy warriors and marauding ultra-nationalists share in common? Seemingly little, aside from the fact that these bizarre bedfellows are the star assets of US policy in Eurasia. And despite their use of very different tactics, they all are tasked with the same mission: to undermine Russia, the only great power consistently…