Tag: War

  • Warmongering Western Media is Fake

    Warmongering Western Media is Fake

    By: Jay Dyer If the Trump phenomena showed anything, it showed the consensus reality the mainstream media attempted to create concerning Hillary’s certain victory, as well as the consensus reality erected for decades, is not omnipotent. In fact, the earliest days of mass print media were erected on a famous fraud known as the “Great Moon…

  • End-Times Buffoonery

    End-Times Buffoonery

    Politics and religion all too often assume odd and distorted forms in America. The United States has long been the home of a wide assortment of bizarre and eccentric sects and cults, most being harmless, or at least lacking the ability to do any serious harm outside of their immediate proximity without large-scale followings nor…

  • The Bankster International

    The Bankster International

    Geopolitical analysis, the art of explaining power relationships through the prism of impersonal geography, can be a helpful tool for observers of the Great Game – but it also has its limitations. A case in point is the renewed US-Russia confrontation. Think tanks and policy insiders easily sell the narrative that from the dark days…

  • A Russian Centurion

    A Russian Centurion

    The mysterious figure of Col. Igor Strelkov, a former Russian special forces officer, has struck a chord of fear in the liberal-nationalist Kiev regime and its Western patrons. A veteran of Bosnia and the First and Second Chechen Wars, this spring and summer Strelkov showed himself a superb tactician and operational commander against numerically superior…

  • Occidental Affliction

    Occidental Affliction

    Twentieth century German author and patriot Ernst Jünger once observed that we now “live in times in which war and peace are difficult to distinguish from one another.” (A lack of clarity extending to every aspect of modernity, not just matters of war and peace.) Jünger’s words ring true as ever, with Washington’s so-called war…

  • “Russian Paranoia” Debunked

    “Russian Paranoia” Debunked

    If you have been following the Western media line on Russia lately, you might believe that not only is the Kremlin plotting continental conquest, but that Russian policy is driven by a dark, irrational “paranoia” centuries in the making. There’s a second round of the Cold War in production, and we’re all supposed to buy…

  • A Call to Repentance

    A Call to Repentance

    Journalist Gennady Dubovoy conducted an interview on the front lines of the war in Ukraine with “Fr. Viktor,” an Orthodox hieromonk ministering to soldiers of the Novorussia Armed Forces. Dubovoy states the conversation was recorded in May, before the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17, and released only in late July. Translated by Mark Hackard.…

  • War & Diplomacy

    War & Diplomacy

    The young émigré military analyst Anton Kersnovsky (1907-1944) saw that far from putting an end to war, the liberal system has dramatically expanded it, both geographically and into the realms of psyche and spirit. Nowhere was this easier seen for him than in the simultaneous disingenuousness and dysfunction of the new popular diplomacy. Since this…

  • War & Justice

    War & Justice

    The White émigré military analyst Anton Kersnovsky (1907-1944) outlines cases of just war as well as the ultimate goal of using force. While he recognizes war as an instrument of policy, Kersnovsky also conveys a profoundly Orthodox Christian worldview in his rejection of modern Clausewitzian expediency and its terrible 20th-century offspring. Militating against materialism, Kersnovsky…

  • War and the Gospel

    War and the Gospel

    White emigre military analyst Anton Kersnovsky (1907-1944) deplored the Clausewitzian-Leninist conception of total war that would wreak previously unthinkable death and destruction across twentieth-century Europe. Yet like Ivan Ilyin, neither could Kersnovsky abide pacifism and “non-resistance,” which he viewed as just as dangerous a trajectory toward the annihilation of culture. Here are his thoughts on…